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Terms, conditions and licencing

The images and other content provided by Atlântico Press are licensed to a strict editorial use, unless it was required and previously signed for a specific agreement for another application.

Each image is only licensed for a single use. The use of the same image in more than one application requires an additional payment. The images can only be used in user publications or within those which are attached to the editorial business. The images can’t be reused in the same editorial publications or in others which in the meantime will come to own.

It is completely forbidden to use images acquired for an editorial publication in commercial activities, packaging, promotions or ads, even if they are integrated in the publication in question. Any image can only be used for these purposes with the consent or the written agreement of Atlântico Press.

The images can’t be added to the user’s files, scanned in the form, or not, of new copies.

Any image provided can’t be used in a way which violates the rules of copyright and trademark of the same. It isn’t therefore possible to change or manipulate the images in addition to its standard usage or cropping. If the user disregards these rules, it will be punished for copyright infringement and therefore will be subjected to compensational payments.

Atlântico Press makes effort to guarantee the accuracy of regular usage and confidentiality of their images and other content. In this sense, the users recognize that Atlântico Press will not be liable for any loss, cost or damage if there is a misuse, error or omission in the later use of the information contained in their service.

Atlântico Press has full copyright and ownership over the material inside their website. All of your images must be therefore accompanied by copyright credits in place of their publication. If no credit is shown in the image provided, then the credit must contain, at least, in the description the name of Atlântico Press company.

If a user violates these requirements and agreements, Atlântico Press can automatically cancel their access to the website without any prior notice.

Up to seven days after the delivery of the images and their licensing agreement, the customer has the right to cancel or amend the license to use such material, by written communication to Atlântico Press without any immediate payment.

Privacy and personal security

Atlântico Press, is committed to protect your privacy, according the Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of April 27th 2016 - concerning the protection of individuals regarding the personal data treatment and the free use of such data.
We will now briefly describe the type of personal information we require about you and for what purpose. And if this information is communicated to third parties, what is the purpose.

What kind of information do we collect? By registering on our site we will ask you your name, address, the company that corresponds to you and the associated address, your telephone number, your email address and your password, not all of these are mandatory fields.

The registration topics serve to collect some of your personal data with the purpose of identifying you while accessing the website and consequently authorize you to be able to download images. On the other hand, this will allow us to send you information that we think that may be of interest to you, including our regular newsletters and information about offers or news that may appear on our site. Atlântico Press assumes a privacy and security commitment in the processing and maintenance of each client personal data.

The attribution and use of a password is intended to protect your personal data and also the exclusive use of your downloads. This password should not be shared with third parties. If you choose to share it, you will automatically assume all responsibility for any damages that may occur from it.

How do we use this information?

We can provide you with our services, access to the website content and personalize it by sending you newsletters.

This information may also be used to send marketing communications, or other information about new agencies, images and new products and promotions that we think are appealing. We may also use this information to contact you.

It may occur that we may provide some or all the information, made available, to our partner agencies so that advice, on a particular use of image, video or reporting may be authorized and a better response may be given to our clients' requests.

How is this information shared?

The information for each registration is registered on the backoffice of the Atlântico Press website and will be accessed by the backoffice administrator and the technicians who carry out the software interventions on the website.

How can someone registered can manage or delete information previously provided through the registry?

By registering at Atlântico Press website you will be able to manage your registration information. If you wish to delete it, see the section entitled "Data subjects rights" (bottom).

How do we answer to legal requests? We may access, preserve and share user information in response to a legal request (such as a search warrant, court order or subpoena) if we consider, that the law so requires, or to detect, prevent and address a situation of fraud and other illegal activities.

About changes to this policy:

Atlântico Press will make updates to its privacy policy and will make available all the information through If you have any questions you can contact our team through the contacts: 21 357 07 85 / 21 357 07 86...

Rights of Data Subjects You have the right to access, update, rectify, eliminate, limit and oppose the treatment of your data, as well as the right to request portability, by means of a written request sent to: Atlântico Press Privacy Policy, Rua do Salitre. Nº 84-4º Dtº, 1250-202 Lisboa - Portugal, or through the e-mail address: [email protected]

You may, at the same time, withdraw the consent you have given for the processing of your personal data, without affecting the lawfulness of processing that has been made so far, based on the consent you have previously provided.

You also have the right to file a complaint regarding your data processing,  with the CNPD - National Data Protection Commission, Rua de São Bento no. 148-3º 1200-821 Lisboa, T. (+351) 213 928 400, [email protected]

Data retention period All data provided to us or collected by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy will be immediately erased or anonymised as soon as it is no longer necessary for compliance with legal obligations or for the execution or provision of our services.

Collected data transfer In order to offer an efficient service, Atlântico Press may occasionally give data to other companies, inside or outside Europe. These assignments will be carried out in accordance with the law and our privacy policy remains fully applicable, namely with respect to compliance with security measures that guarantees the confidentiality of the data.

Changes to the privacy policy Atlântico Press reserves the right to change its Privacy Policy so we advise you to read this space regularly as well as to read the Terms and Conditions of our sites.

Confidentiality and integrity Atlântico Press  guarantees the security, privacy and confidentiality of personal and other data provided by its clients at the time of registration, ordering and / or payment at Atlântico Press, and such data and information are to be used by Atlântico Press for order processing and invoicing.


Atlântico Press disclaims any liability for damages, indirect, direct or accidental, resulting from the use or the misuse of the website’s content. Atlântico Press doesn’t control and isn’t responsible for any illegal conduct, offensive or defamatory of his users.

Atlântico Press doesn’t assure that website’s content is compatible with all computer systems and browsers.

Atlântico Press doesn’t warrant that the functions contained in the materials are uncorrupted or error free, or that the servers that makes it available are free of viruses or other malicious or defective components.

Remarks for the user

This is an agreement between the user and Atlântico Press. By clicking "I Agree", you will be tutored by the terms and conditions of this agreement. If the user wishes to obtain an image or content, as a representative of a company, the request will be automatically bound by the terms of this agreement.

Atlântico Press reserves the right to change, modify or update these Terms of Use at any time and the user agrees to the limitations of such modifications, alterations or terms.

Interpretation and jurisdiction

The conditions of use shall be construed in accordance with the Portuguese law. The courts of Lisbon will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or any other problems that can arise from them.

Alternative methods of dispute settlement

Atlântico Presse-Comunicação e Imagem, Lda. complying with what is established in Law 144/2015, of September 8, on the alternative resolution of consumer disputes, presents the following information so that you can have your right to complain to an official, third and impartial entity ('Dispute Settlement Body'), which will help to resolve any disputes.
For this we present the contact of the Entity for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes:

• Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo de Lisboa
Rua dos Douradores, 116, 2º
1100-207 Lisboa

T.: 218 80 70 30 /F.: 218 80 70 38

E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

Contact Us

If there are any doubts about the foregoing terms and / or rules of privacy, licensing of the photographs and personal information provided, please send us your e-mail to: [email protected].

Possession of this website

This website is owned by Atlântico Press, which also performs its working operations. All its elements, including the content and the overall project, are protected by copyright, online trading guidelines, Portuguese legislation and international agreements or treaties relating to intellectual property.


Atlântico Press, Comunicação e Imagem, Lda. All rights reserved. Copyright 2017